Footbridge, the taming of the Broye

The deviation of the Broye River, which began in the mid-19th century and was completed in the latter half of the 20th century, transformed the Payerne landscape. During this time, water levels in Lakes Neuchâtel, Biel and Murten were lowered, creating new and fertile agricultural land in a previously flood-prone plain. However, several studies have exposed the damaging effect of these measures on the flora and fauna. As a result, efforts are now being taken to reconcile human interests with biodiversity conservation.

lecture pause

  • 1. Café du Marché
  • 2. The Abbey Church
  • 3. Castle courtyard, cloister courtyard
  • 4. Bernese castle
  • 5. Courthouse
  • 6. Parish church
  • 7. Banneret Fountain
  • 8. Passage du Portail
  • 9. Rue des Blanchisseuses
  • 10. Deer park
  • 11. General Jomini statue
  • 12. Barraud Tower
  • 13. Footbridge
  • 14. Vuary quarter
  • 15. Guillermaux Road bridge
  • 16. Queen Bertha wine cellar